On December 3rd, the Business Men and Ladies Workshop held the Chosen ones theme.
The event took place at the Convention Center of Talatona, which began with a welcome cocktail which was attended by the Apostle Jorge Tadeu, where all guests were able to fraternize.
The Apostle Jorge Tadeu and the Team Kuriakos led the entire auditorium to praise and worship God tonight.
That night, the Apostle spoke to all businessmen about “The Call of Every Businessman”
God has a different call for each one of us and gives us talents to fulfill our mission. (Ephesians 4:11-12)
The HN (Business Man/Woman) or entrepreneur is called to bring the world’s riches to build tabernacles (churches) for God to inhabit and bless His people.
God does not bless us with silver and gold to build golden calves, but to do His work.
He has a purpose for HNs:
1) Be an Ambassador of Christ
– We must represent Him with all the dignity He deserves.
– Be an example of morality for society.
2) Be blessed
– Build tabernacles;
– Bless others through social actions (helping those in need).
– Help the Government by building training centers so that young people can develop management skills.
HN was chosen to create businesses and acquire more wealth to build the kingdom of God.
In the final stretch of the event, the Apostle Jorge Tadeu decreed the blessing of financial prosperity on all those present.
He also prayed, in favor of the Angolan nation and for the eminent authorities in Angola, so that they might be guided by the wisdom of God.
Business Men’s Dinner – Monday 03 Dec18 – 19H00
Address: ( Talatona Conference Center ) / Av. Samora Machel (ex. via s8)

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